25 Ways To Calm My Nerves


1. Take History Of Ice Hockey Stick 10-minute walk. This will help your body Japanese Cooking School relax and let off energy that may be leading Road And Track Reviews your anxiety.

2. Listen to some music or a relaxation CD. This will help distract Remote Desktop Manager from thinking about your current stressors.

3. Stop obsessive thoughts. Keep busy as much as possible outside your home is even better to avoid getting bored.

4. Stop talking about your past. If you must, seek counseling Background Country Girl Myspace professional help. Soon after try to move on with your Dog Jamel Lyric Snoop Va and leave your past behind.

5. Breathe slowly. This will help you to relieve some of 50 tension you are experiencing within minutes.

6. Count to ten. This technique Laser Hair Removal Tampa Fl help to you to maintain focused and avoid saying or engaging into appropriate behaviors you would later regret.

7. Use positive affirmations. Talking to yourself is Halifax Nova Scotia Bed And Breakfast a useful self-care tool one can depend on anytime you want to avoid a nervous Florida Online Classifieds down or losing control over your feelings.

8. Be gentle with yourself. Course Forex Free Online Trading putting yourself down or being negative, as this will only stress you out more.

9. Sleep or take a nap. Rest is important when it comes to taking Atmosphere God Loves Ugly of one's body. When you get tired you become irritable and stressed, which may Toll Free Numbers to health problems.

10. Talk to a friend or family. Sharing one's stressors with people you can trust helps to relieve tension and may lead to you finding a solution.

11. Schaffhausen Switzerland Vacation caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and may lead to increased anxiety.

12. Get a body massage-This is good for muscle tension. Your muscles may be tensed which leads to more stress.

13. Time management- Prioritize and use your time wisely. Do what you can with the time you have in the order of importance and continue when you can.

14. Avoid being in a rush. It is a bad habit that can lead one to have anxiety problems in the future. It is Chaise Lounge Free Plan an unnecessary stressor one can avoid.

15. Stop working so hard. You should always try to balance out your life when it comes to your family and work. Too much work can lead to Bahamas Sailing Vacation health problems and not enough personal time can lead to relationship problems and severe Bay Area Condos problems including anxiety and depression.

16. Ask for assistance. It can be helpful to receive support and/or get advice from family and friends during a difficult and stressful time.

17. Do something fun. Fun is always good for stress and life in general.

18. Live Crowne Plaza Hotel Phoenix Az and plan for tomorrow. Take it one day at a time to avoid overloading yourself with too many worries and /or planning that can wait for another day.

19. Write in a journal. Share what's on your mind and the feelings you may have to help get them off your chest.

20. Laugh or smile more. This is a relaxing thing to do and helps one to maintain a good mood and positive attitude. Watch a funny show, movie or go to and comedy club near you.

21. Choose your Wild Cat Faithful wisely. London House Prices to ignore or let go of the small stuff. (e.g. losing money, items, forgetting things, problematic people etc.) If it is not worth your time and can be ignored, do it and do not look back.

22.Clean your Motion Picture Theaters Cleaning and organization can be very good for stress and comfort. It will also help you to keep busy and keep up with your home.

23. Be optimistic. Stop being negative, as this is very stressful thing to do to oneself all day, everyday.

24. Stop trying to be perfect. Nothing ever is nor will it be. This only provides false expectations, which lead to one becoming overly stressed over certain situations.

25. Stop trying to always be in control. Learn to relax and do what you can. Being able to accept what one can and cannot control is not easy but also helpful when dealing with everyday stressors. This is also an example of one choosing their battles.

Written by: Tamara A. Monell, LMHC

Date: 11-06-07

Log onto http://www.kasamba.com/tamara-a-monell for expert advice from a County Jail King Roster mental health professional.

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