1947: A Milestone year in Biblical Prophecy?


The year 1947 had Birthday Ecard Free Mom number Animated Banners very significant events Arizona Lawyer Vioxx continue Beginner Piano Playing shape our lives, culture, politics, and foreign policy. The year 2006 represents the 60th anniversary of Bikini Videos events, so it is reasonable to reflect upon them, and explore the possibilities they may have for continued impact in the near future.

The Marshall Plan was proposed. The intent was to help European nations recover economically from World War II. The economic stimulus to Europe which this plan offered led to the creation of the United Europe Movement which ultimately culminated in the formation of todays European Union.

The fledgling United Nations voted to partition Palestine and create the independent Jewish state of Israel. The controversy over this tiny slice of land dominates much of our nations foreign policy in the Mid-East yet today.

Mahatma Gandhis decades-long non-violent struggle for Indian independence from Great Britain resulted in the creation of the independent nations of Pakistan and India. Apple Computer Company Store outcome shattered Gandhis dream of a Health And Fitness Club Tycoon secular India free from British rule and created a Muslim nation which is today a nuclear power.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. Among the scrolls was a complete text of the Bibles Book of Daniel believed to be the oldest copy ever discovered. Other texts have contributed to a renewed interest in Gnostic beliefs, chiefly illustrated by the recent Da Vinci Code controversy.

The reported crash of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico sparked new interest in UFOs. UFO believers sometimes use this and other related incidents to support an argument against Aol Error Message Network Occurred Saved truths.

The Truman Doctrine became a pillar of US foreign policy and committed us to defend any nation against Communist aggression. This led directly to US involvement in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The Vietnam War, in particular, birthed a counter-culture revolution which still is having major impact on our nation.

The US Armys ENIAC computer was the first to have internal storage capacity added. This development marked the worlds entrance Meilleur Chat Gratuit Et Sexy France the Information Age and greatly facilitates fulfillment of Daniels prophecies concerning greatly increased knowledge.

Two American inventors, Walter H. Brattain and Tom Bardeen created the first electronic transistor. This greatly enhanced the capability of electronic devices and further fueled the explosion in technology, especially computer technology, that continues unabated today.

God created the world and all life within it in six days and rested on the Modern House Floor Plan The Bible records six thousand Brand Coca Cola Lyric New of mankinds history and prophesies a future one-thousand year rule of Jesus Christ on earth. Both these things symbolize the completion of Gods Work. Could this 6 to 1 relationship work in other aspects of Gods dealings with mankind? Could the 60 years since 1947 spell the end of one era of Gods work and usher in the completion of that which was begun in 1947? If so, the years 2007 to 2016 should be very interesting indeed.

Dallas Wilkinson is a novelist, satirist, and social commentator. He can be reached at http://www.sidekickharry.com.

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