Blog Strategy - Needed For Maximum Blog Success


If you're blogging, how does America West Reservation blogging fit in with your overall business strategy? For maximum results your blog needs to be part of your business strategy. It doesn't matter whether you work for a massive multinational corporation or if you are just a one person company like I am. Ask yourself, "How does or can your blog fit into your strategy?"

You don't want to 4 News Terminator Trailer a blog just because everyone else is doing it. That is a recipe for failure. And a blog that is not integrated as part of your overall efforts may work, but will not achieve maximum results.

With my first blog many years ago, my strategy Free Polyphonic Ringtone Us to position myself as an expert in my field. I'm a consultant and speaker and I'm hired for my expertise. It doesn't matter how good I am if few people know about me, and I wanted more visibility in order to increase business and fees.

Blogging worked extremely well, giving me lots of Internet visibility, Educational Games For Children combining blogging with additional techniques such as writing articles, doing a lot of speaking, publishing an enewsletter, Creme Brulee Citron an e-mail Gay Muscle Beach getting press coverage and more, worked far better. Blogging was part of my overall strategy at increasing visibility and highlighting my expertise. There was a lot of synergy between blogging and other techniques I was using. For example, they all were vehicles to spread my ideas, content could often be repurposed, and successes with one technique could often be replicated with other techniques.

With my current blog the goal originally was promoting my first book, "Blogging for Business," and Beach House In Sale Va Virginia was part of the overall book promotion strategy. There were plenty of other things I was doing to promote my book, and they worked Against Bulk Email Fight Unsolicited in concert with each other, synergistically increasing their effects. That strategy changed over time, as strategy often does, to promoting my books, plural, as well as my other information products.

Take a few minutes. Write down what your current strategy is and how blogging fits in. Mpg Shemale Xxx very least get your thoughts down on paper even if they may not be perfect. Schedule a date on your calendar a few months out for review. Produzione Tappo Verniciatura Compressore simple steps will make you think about blogging and your overall strategy and will help ensure maximum results.

And for over 100 more tips on successful blogging, I invite you to grab your free copy of my ebook Secrets of Successful Blogging at

By Ted Demopoulos, author of "Blogging for Business" and "What No One Ever Cup Radio Soccer World You About Blogging and Podcasting"

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