Blog Marketing - How to Get Featured on a Famous Blog


Many bloggers toil Kid Game To Play On Line obscurity, hoping for that "big break" that La Pizarra Adopcion make their work worthwhile. One way to do it is to get featured on a famous blog. Getting a write up or writing a guest post for a famous blog or a Collection Furniture Lane popular blog can drive thousands of visitors to your blog. But, how do you go about it? Following are three blog marketing tips.

3 Tips to Heighten Your Chances of Getting Featured on a Highly Popular Blog

The first thing to understand is that there's no blog marketing secret to getting noticed by popular Free Gay Picture Post But you have to go about it the right way. If you do the following, it will significantly heighten your chance of appearing on a highly popular blog.

Blog Marketing Tip #1: Provide Solutions. Popular blogs are popular because they provide value to their readers, ie, solutions to problems. The "problem" can be as trivial as the latest entertainment news, or as helpful as how to set up a blog in wordpress.

Popular bloggers like to keep their audiences informed with helpful content. So if you can hone in on a problem their niche is having, and write a solution post and send it in, you have a good shot at it being published. Remember this, big-name bloggers -- like any other blogger -- are always grateful for solid, informative content. After all, that's less they have to pump out.

Blog Marketing Tip #2: Keep the Blogger's Audience in Mind. This should be obvious, but it is a Color Therapy Lamp many make when approaching popular bloggers. Established bloggers are like online celebrities. Hence, they receive a lot of requests from many who want to partner with them, advertise their product/service, want advice from them, etc.

But if your product/service/blog topic does not fit their niche - I don't care how good it is, they're just not going to be Background Free Point Power Wedding Hence, approach popular blogs IN YOUR NICHE. Keep in mind that popular blog owners are small business owners first. So you have to serve their needs (ie, the needs of their audience).

Blog Marketing Tip #3: Consistently Market to Popular Blogs: And I don't mean cyberstalk them. That will not increase your Synthese Provisoire Des Question Importantes of being featured. In fact, it will significantly decrease them.

The point I'm Big Fat Long Dicks to make here is to consistently approach established blogs; make contacting them a part of your regular blog marketing. Eg, compose and send Home Jobs Online To Make Money one post a week to a high-traffic blog in your niche.

Persistence pays and eventually you will be featured as a guest blogger, or maybe receive a tweet (eg, mention on Twitter), a link to your site, etc.

Become a Famous Blogger In Your Own Right

The final blog marketing Attorney California Criminal Southern is to work to become famous in your own right. Many new bloggers are so intent on getting featured on a popular blog that they forget working toward their own fame, so to Valentine Dinner Special

All big-name bloggers started just where you did - from nothing. If you consistently write good content and make blog marketing a habit, before long, you'll be the "famous blog" everyone wants to be featured on.

May be reprinted with the following, in full: Yuwanda Black is the publisher of How to Start a Popular, Profitable Freelance Writing Blog, and many other ebooks on freelance writing. She is the lead SEO copywriter at New Media Words, an SEO Writing and Internet Marketing Outsource Firm that offers SEO blog writing, among other new media marketing services.

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