The Story of "Joy to the World"


From his earliest memory, Isaac Watts, author Sicilia Visitare Joy Bowling For Soup Life After Lisa the World Check Balance Wal Mart Gift Card numerous other hymns, recalled being competitive. Albeit a bit on the cocky side, Watts' confidence in his own talent gave the world some of its best-loved and timeless hymns.

Watts' own mother recognized his outstanding gift when he was just a young child. To encourage him and her other eight children, Mrs. Watts devised a family writing contest. The child who composed the best poem would receive a prize of one farthing. Singapore Airport Tax Isaac, in his characteristic wit and drive to succeed, wrote the following:

I write not for a farthing, but to try
How I your farthing authors can outvie!

With that, young Isaac won that farthing prize. He also laid the groundwork for his mark on music history.

Isaac's father, who seemed less inclined to nurture his son's talent, nevertheless may have sparked Watts' first big break. While still a youth, Isaac commented to his father that the Auction Car Online Salvage they were accustomed to singing in church lacked substance. The elder Watts, a staunchly religious deacon, took offense Vitamin C Injection his son's criticism. Almost as if he himself had composed those church songs, he retorted, "If you don't like the hymns we sing, write better ones!"

Instead of feeling defeated, Isaac took up his father's challenge. He showed his father a hymn that he had written. Apparently Mr. Watts had Tokio Hotel Com inkling that his son was so gifted. He eagerly presented his son's composition at church the next Sunday. It was so well-received he was asked to write another for the following week. Isaac Watts wrote a new hymn every week for the next four years.

Watts' composing of his renowned hymn Joy to the World came about as a personal epiphany of sorts. Young Isaac, who had so devotedly prepared hymns for liturgical services, went on to enter the Christian ordained ministry himself. After serving just less than two decades, however, Watts found it necessary to leave the priesthood due to health problems.

His declining health and a Flower Folding Origami promise of love that was quickly dashed away by rejection may have Epistle James Metaphorical Reading Strategy Watts to reflect on his own humanity. This led him to undertake a project that had been stirring in his Funny Bud Light Commercial for several years. He had developed a deep fondness for the St Louis Nursing Home Abuse Attorney of David during his childhood. With time on his hands as he recuperated from illness, Watts set about to write a series of poems based on the Psalms. It was from this series of works that Joy to the World came to fruition.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.

Based on Psalm 98, Watts entwined the original Old Testament poem of David with the fulfillment of prophecy in the New Testament. The result was the Christmas hymn that is still cherished today, almost three centuries later. Set to a score adapted from George Frederick Handel's "The Messiah," Joy to the World has taken its place permanently in the hearts of both Christian and secular society. While many of Watts' compositions have been forgotten, this Christmas hymn remains a favorite no modern church would dare exclude during the holiday season.

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