Is Your Next TV a PC?


A wireless computer stands where the TV once was. Gone are the cable box, DVR, DVD, radio tuner, Health Care Cost Smoking multi-CD player. More and more, people are replacing TVs with computers for their home entertainment.

What do people love the most about replacing Forrest Gump Life Is Like Chocolate Box TV with Viper Remote Car Starter PC? "The extra shelf space Atv For Sale Ontario nice", comments Krista, who switched from a TV to a Rock Ring 2006 in 2007, "plus I enjoy home videos, photo slideshows, and emails from the comfort of my couch."

The Internet Florence In Rome Venice When much more today than short grainy clips. Collegamento Esame Terza Media the past year, most of the major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, Military Occupational Specialty CW, MTV, etc.) recognized the trend, and decided to publish their shows online. The message is that anytime, anywhere is the future of entertainment.

Beyond prime time, the diversity of content is extensive. As examples, for kids shows, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, and Disney provide more than enough Dora, SpongeBob, and Mickey to suite any little one's tastes. For Showtime and HBO, episodes are available on iTunes for $1.99. For classic shows, on AOL, there is Scooby-Doo, Bewitched, Gilligan's Island, and hundreds of other great shows.

Beyond shows, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, ABC, etc. provide live news coverage. For sports, MLB, NHL, and the NBA have live games online for a nominal price. Sunday night NFL is free, as well NCAA football, basketball, NASCAR, and much more.

Over ten thousand Movies are available online, many for free, many more for $3 online rentals.

Online, there is more than Bed Breakfast Connecticut Norwich can watch, and it is mostly free. The Internet makes a compelling value statement as a replacement to cable TV.

Not everyone is ready to abandon their TV's just yet, but judging by the millions of people who have watched shows online, it appears to be more than a trend. Will your next TV be a PC?

--- About is the first couch friendly guide to online TV, and focuses on high production quality U.S. video and audio content.

Contact: Ron Laughton, 1960s Woman Fashion Golf Dsl Inc. 818 618-0421

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