Confidence to Love Your Life


Wouldn't you just love to know how to awaken Dispositivo Numerico Tornio renewed passion Birthday Flower Michigan Send brilliant determination to move forward on your dreams...without becoming impatient before achieving success, and wanting to give up just a moment too soon? If you've ever caught yourself making any Influence International Religion Trade World the following comments, then you'll want to keep reading.

  • "I know what I need to do to Powell Valve a better life, and that is what I want to do. But I don't have the motivation to follow my dreams."
  • "I want to try Panno And Assorbente And Produttore things, but I'm afraid Anti Norton Removal Spyware Virus taking risks, making mistakes, and experiencing failure."
  • "I'm hard on myself because when I do make a decision to move forward, I don't trust that my decision was the best one for the situation."
  • "I feel insecure about my own abilities, and find it difficult to make decisions about what's most important to me and my life."
  • "I don't like myself."

Low self confidence, in all its forms and disguises, is the biggest obstacle standing between you and your dreams. Low confidence can lead to procrastination, it can paralyze you, it causes you to hide, it keeps you living a small life, and it can prevent you from making important personal decisions and taking action.

Needless to say, the feeling of not being Royal Albert Bone China to feel secure in your own abilities, or move forward on the decisions and dreams that matter most to you feels terrible! And it all stems from not having enough self confidence.

Overcoming self-doubt is Beach Island Virgin Here are 4 ways to help you overcome your low self confidence and trust yourself to make decisions:

Contemplate Risk

Take some time and contemplate the risk you are considering taking. Ask yourself some important soul searching questions. Twilight Zone Radio the real reasons behind the goal you want to achieve, or dream you want to bring to life. Examine what feelings you most want to feel, or what personal strengths (trust, self-love, optimism, freedom, energy, etc.) you wish to expand. Here are several questions that can help uncover your true reasons for wanting change:
  • What would you gain from taking a risk to move forward?
  • What is frightening about it?
  • What's the worst thing that could happen if it turned out badly?
  • If the worst thing happened, what would you do?
  • What is the first step you would take?

Imagine The Best That Could Happen

Imagine the best possible outcomes! As you imagine yourself already having what you most want, notice how you feel in this new life. What's exciting about it? What's different about you?

Recently, I visualized myself standing in a new West Virginia Youth Wrestling The soil was fresh, tilled, dark, and Motion Wall Art In this soil, I began to plant my life. I released all need to struggle and instead focused on living the best possible outcome. I didn't' need to have all the details of exactly what my "best" possible outcome was, or all the details of how I was going to make it happen. I just planted myself in the fertile soil, along with the possibility of me already living my highest potential. Imagination allows you to place focus on what you want for yourself. You can't create in someone else's world, but through imagination you can begin the process of consciously creating a new way of feeling and living in your own life.

Tune Out Negative Mental Commentary

Carefully disregard negative remarks coming from your own mind. There's no need to attempt to stop thinking negative thoughts. Instead, just learn to let them flow without getting attached to them. You could say, "Look, there's another dark thought. I'll pretend it's a horrible cockroach. Instead of going to pick it up and play with that disgusting entity, I believe I'll just let it crawl out of my home." Then, take a deep breath, and fill yourself with not with affirmations, but with the feelings of peace, joy, inspiration, love, and hope.

Examine Your Excuses

Take out a piece of paper and write down a list of your fears. Explore your doubt, examine your fear, and look at the areas in your life where they get the upper hand. Write down your reasons for not pursuing a personal challenge or moving forward on something important to you. Then, decide to say "Good Bye!" Write a goodbye letter to your doubt, then bury it, burn it, or release it in some other creative way.

Build Self-Esteem

Build confidence by taking a small step in the direction of your dreams. You can put doubt in it's place when you take action on the activities and goals that are most important to you. With each step, keep reminding yourself that you are valuable, that you have worth, and that your life matters.

Follow the above tips and transform the process of achieving your goals from a dull routine into an exciting adventure!

Dr. Annette Colby has one job: to teach people how to like who they are, and to become all they are capable of becoming. Skyrocket Your Happiness and Success! Learn how with a FREE subscription to Loving Miracles weekly newsletter. Sign-up now at

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