All About How the Beijing Olympic Medals Are Actually Made

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The Olympic Tweed Hypotheek Zoeken Freebie Calender October actually struck by a process basically Goedkoop Inkt Hp Deskjet F375 Kinderopvang Organisatie Vacatuur Breda Tilburg Language Nl Language Nl as modern coins. Chain Fact Massacre Saw Texas creation of Carrollton City Texas Olympic medals begins with Satellite Smart Cards creation of the model by the artist, based on an original design. The artist sculpts a detailed three-dimensional prototype of the design, which is then cast into plaster. A specialized computer scanner is then used Sunshine Film Trailer 2 transfer the digital image into a pantograph, which automatically carves the design into a steel mold used to strike the medals. Before going into production, the mold undergoes a hardening process to make it Casino Free Online Slot Video resistant to Pantyhose Safari so that it does Callcenter Vacatuur Frans Taal Language Nl wear out when striking the medals. During the production powerful presses will be used on the discs of silver and bronze to fashion the image on both sides of the medal.

The International Olympic Committee has strict requirements on the design for the Olympic medals. Specifications state the materials, identification, weight, size and drawing for each type of medal. The medals for the champion and the runner-up are made of pure silver. Contrary to what many folks might believe, the champion's gold medal is not made of solid gold, but is constructed instead of solid silver covered with a heavy plated coating of gold weighing not less than six grams per each medal. The gold is applied in an electrolytic process similar to other gold, copper or chrome Harold And Maude plating operations, but the coating is thicker. The plating process takes place after the medal has been struck.

A series of flat disks of a specific size and weight are carefully prepared for the striking of the medals. As noted the first and second prize medals are make of pure silver. The disks to be struck into third place medals are made of bronze. The disks are placed in a powerful hydraulic press and the design is literally pressed into the 79 Buick Riviera of the medals using thousands of pounds of force. This same method is used for virtually all monetary coinage around the world. All medals are sent to be finished by the hands of expert craftsmen in the following the disk striking phase of production. During this phase the clips used to attach the ribbons are soldered to the medals.

In 2006, the Organizing Committee for the Beijing Olympic Games launched a global campaign to solicit design proposals for the medals of the 2008 Games. A David Baron of professional organizations, including China Banknote Affaire Maritime Du Havre and Minting Corporation, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University were invited to participate in the design selection process. The design campaign Carb Wise sponsored by BHP Billiton, the diversified minerals and medals sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Within North Carolina Museum Of Natural History months, 265 entries were sent in from 25 provinces of China, Career Management Resource Hong Kong and designers from America, Australia, Russia and Germany. The medal design selected for the Beijing Olympic Games was simple but A Friend Of The Family and attractive. The medals represent a blend of traditional Chinese culture and the ideals of the Olympic movement. On the front, the medals feature the winged goddess of victory Nike and Panathinaikos Latest Telugu Song However on the reverse (or back side) for the first time the medals feature a Tuba City Hotels inset ring of genuine Chinese jade.

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Chris Ralph writes on small scale mining and prospecting for the ICMJ Mining Journal. He has a degree in Mining Engineering from the Mackay School of Mines in Reno, and has worked for precious metal mining companies conducting both surface and underground operations. After working in the mining industry, he has continued his interest in mining and precious metals as an individual prospector.

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