Burn Fat With Bodyweight Circuit Training

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Do Iron On Clothing Label have Contour Day Spa Fl hard time fitting your cardio sessions into your schedule, or maybe you just do not feel like hitting the gym today?

Do not worry, there is a solution to the problem, and Connection Internet No Signal Wireless is spelled bodyweight circuit training.

First of all, a lot of people are still stuck in the long and boring type of cardio, you know the one where you hit the cross Skin For Window Media Player 9 or the treadmill for an hour straight, just because it is suppose to burn a lot of calories.

Research has shown that the amount of calories the cardio machines say you have burned are often exaggerated by as much as 30%! I mean Chinese Painting Technique For Exquisite Watercolors that is quite a lot, right?

Second, this issue forces us to get back to the whole discussion about calories being burned during a workout session vs. calories being burned after a workout session.

A while ago I heard a trainer saying: focusing on how many calories you burn during a workout session is as stupid as focusing on how much muscle you build during a workout session.

I would shake his hand in person if I would ever meet him.

If we were to test and look at the amount of muscles you build during your workout session, and focus on that exclusively, then weight training would not be such a good idea, would it?

But if you look at the results up to 48 hours after your completed session, then you will actually see the results you are looking for. The exact same thing applies to calories, and how much we burn during a session vs. after a session.

Do not get me wrong, I still believe that almost any workout program should include some type of low intensity training (walking, swimming, etc), but it is when your cardiovascular training consists of exclusively low intensity training we need to stop and think for a second.

So after making that explanation, I want to head on over to the core of this article: Bodyweight Circuit Training.

You see, the way I work with my clients to mix it up and have more fun is to implement intense bodyweight circuit training into their schedule. We all agree on the fact that training should be fun, and if we do the same Genital Hair Removal Cream over and over again, day in and day out, we will soon get tired of it, correct?

Bodyweight circuit training could be done anywhere from 10-20 minutes, and you will see great results. You probably will not find circuit training in any of the charts from the magazines over Top Vergelijk Plasma Televisie calorie-burning exercises, but that all comes back to the issue with calories burned during or after your session!

So without any equipment whatsoever, turn your stereo (or iPod) to maximum volume, take out your stopwatch and get ready to work.

Follow this routine for desired number of circuits (at least 3):

- Mountain Climbers
- Pushups
- High Knee Run
- Burpees
- Jumping Jacks

Do each exercise for 30 sec without rest in between exercises. Rest 60-90 sec after completed circuit!

Get to work!

Jonas Forsberg is the author of Burn Fat At Home, a workout program that helps people lose ugly belly fat and build sexy muscles in only Resume Free Cruisair Samsonite per day.

Grab you free copy of the Burn Fat at Car Seat Cover For Ford Escape Sample Program at http://BurnFatAtHome.com

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