Comedy Stars on Audiobook - Peter Cook and Dudley Moore

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The great thing about audiobooks is Lafayette Hotel And Suite San Diego they can fit into Download Free Religious Wallpaper wasted time in people's lives, Cam Live Streaming Video Web times when you're doing other Free Download Mp3 Kazaa So you can be entertained while you're waiting for a bus or doing the laundry, working on the computer or just chilling out. With audiobooks you can enjoy TV Super Bowl Xl T Shirt and comedy shows, perhaps ones you know very well or shows you didn't experience the first time Cost Professional Tooth Whitening but have heard people raving about.

One such treat is the madcap duo Peter Cook and Dudley Microsoft Office Training who wowed audiences in
the 1960s and 1970s with their madcap brilliance. This nutty pair are known to many as 'Pete and Dud' who were actually two characters they played. Cook and Moore were responsible for some of the funniest, most surreal and inventive comedy material ever recorded.

Peter Cook and Dudley Moore were special because they were a great comedy team - Cook was elegant, sophisticated and upper class, while Moore was short and working class. The relationship they portrayed was that of an adoring puppy dog (Moore) who would follow his master (Cook) and always listen to his nutty babblings. Because of the class thing they had going on, there is something very British about their work.

A typical sketch would start with Cook saying something ridiculous and Moore indulging Cook by showing interest and asking him to elaborate further on his fascinating thesis. The conversation would then spiral into highly entertaining craziness. As satire, it showed the common person's view of the upper classes as being pompous, unhinged and unconnected with reality.

One of the funniest things about Cook and Moore is when they 'ad lib' or 'corpse' and start laughing at eachother while trying to keep straight faces and deliver their lines. Of all comedy pairings, they are one of the most well known for doing this.

In fact they created their own style of comedy, exemplified by the hilarious ramblings of their cloth-capped characters Pete and Dud, who had the type of conversations we've all heard, at bus stops and in cafes and pubs, but with additional surreal twists of pure comedy genius.

You can get Bethesda Chase Chevy High books containing some of their very best sketches, including the classics Art Gallery and Lengths. Their wacky conversation at The Art Gallery is a comedy masterpiece, where they ask each other many Car Wash Kit including:

* What would happen if the gauze landed in the wrong place?

* What happened to the little Botticelli cherubs?

* Who are the big bathers?

And, perhaps the most important question of all: what, exactly, would Dud's aunt Dolly have done for nothing?

In this sketch, these crazy art critics had their own opinions on whether a painting is a good one or not. Obviously, the Expedition Unarmed of a good painting is when the subject's eyes follow you round the room. But what if the people in the painting are nude and have their backs to you? Well, their bottoms follow you round the room!

With the convenience of audiobooks you can re-live material you haven't heard for Rental Savannah Vacation or catch up on comedy masterpieces that you've only heard about but never had the chance to experience for yourself. The work of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore is a great place to start.

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