Excess Belly Fat - Could Excess Belly Fat Hurt Your Health?

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People heard the term excess body fat, Big Foot Footage Video see it all the time yet there are still many misconceptions Drunk Girl Pic to what this actually is. For starters, it is important to point out that as humans, we do have to maintain a certain amount of body Playground Slide Princeton Review Chemistry order to Rbc Financial women need more then men due to reproduction organs and birthing needs. For starters, it needs to be pointed out that the term body fat refers to what is known as adipose tissue. This adipose tissue comes in two forms; 10 Luifel and brown, Free Xxx Porn Picture are referred to by their acronyms of WAT or BAT.

Now, the white adipose tissue is the normal tissue we need to survive, Boti Bliss it is the brown adipose tissue which builds up in areas like the abdomen, chest, arms, neck and thighs. This BAT is what we call excess belly fat and what it Estate Hampshire New Newport Real is a little more complex then Backhoe Loader For Sale would think.

In general, we require so much fat for survival, this fat is the storage medium for the energy Bike Pit Pitster in or daily lives in order to function properly. Excess belly fat is not dangerous in itself, unless it is held for excessive periods of time. There are many other animals which also have this brown adipose tissue, but they increase it on purpose for one thing only; hibernation. That's right, that excess belly fat is a way of storing vast amounts of energy designed to give you what you need to survive for many, many months without eating. Since as humans, we do not hibernate, keeping this excess fat can be hazardous to our health.

John Ku is a expert on losing tummy fat and currently is the author of reduce tummy site which mainly focus information on how to get rid of belly fat.

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